Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Changing Dream

Dreams always endure together
Within the burnt walls of old memory
Standing alone, and untethered
Isolated through flame and emery

And barely beyond a turning eye
Each endures perpetually transformed
Inside the confines of a single idea
The burnt perception that grows old and torn

But the symbiotic dreams continue
In a changed and kindled manner
Keeping the memory alive for another moment
The changing story that never stammers

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Separated Lines

Your journey to each cosmos breaks

Like chalk dragged over an entrenched grain of wood

Digging against the pattern

The seasons of growth

The universes you misunderstood

And the white dust that settles into each groove

Divides the ambassador of your voice

Imprisoned in the stale air of its chamber

The narrow patterns of life

The walls of confusion in your choice