Thursday, February 24, 2011

Breached inside the walls
Of the sour
The bitter
Spherical soul

Is a changed mind
A red world gone blue and cold

Tricks from explosions inside
On the wasted canvas
A light polluted silhouette
The creation you put aside

Constructing something new
Within the recess
Beneath the time

A newly empty slate
The windings of the soul
Hostile memories locked in their gate

Old ideas harden to wrinkled guides
Smeared across the skin
The forgotten brilliance
The creation you couldn't hide

In that dissolving sphere
The sour edges dissolving thin

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Take You Again

The corners of your mind are round
And the thoughts of the ocean are simple

The dark edges of this world
Cut the color of your sight
Into shifting patterns

But inside your sleep there is soft space
The quiet of fantasy
The vacuum of empty submersion
And indifference

But the morning sun redefines
The smiling lines on your face
The hard shadow of your fingers
Shading the red glow

A light that somehow continues
Beyond the definition of skin
Happily unbound
In a world better than fantasy