Monday, March 9, 2009

The Black Water Rhyme

Black waters surge from the rocks overhead
Dancing between cracks carved in primal stone
Shrill liquids sing in love's forgotten stead
As scars glisten in madness plainly shown

Endless chaos wildly waltzes within
Gray forms both weathered and smoothly ancient
Seething channels reveal sad songs of sin
Their power and lyrics all but fainted

The struggle ceased before talk told of time
Now the solemn trickled dance dictates death
And the smooth stones heed the black water rhyme
Of a great colossus who once drew breath

1 comment:

  1. this scares me.
    it's really interesting because it's playing with me, too, as it goes back and forth between "dancing", singing and waltzing with lyrics and rhyming..all things i consider to be relatively safe & primarily joyful..yet this gives it a different spin & throws me off because it's a dark "black" water that "surges" "shrills" "weathers" "seethes" & "struggles".
    i don't know if it was your intention to make me feel like i was standing on a slippery rock in the middle of a current.....but if it was you were right on :)
